Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Arguments Over Women's Prisons

I came across a somewhat overzealous article about closing down all women's prisons. It's a question that's been bouncing around the House of Lords in Britain, but O'Brien talks about bringing the idea to America. Although I do not think that's the answer, I felt for her a bit more when I read a counter article.

Instead of taking her ideas seriously, Owens attacked her, even going so far as to demean the college she teaches at. Sadly, I disagree with O'Brien, but Owens handled this in the completely wrong way. His job was to counter her idea, but he made it unprofessional and entirely about the author instead of the idea.

Here are the two articles to read:

What do you think of them?
-Erin Lucas

1 comment:

  1. I agree that Owens was really harsh with his rebuttal for O'Brien's idea, even though her plan was really far fetched in my opinion. His rudeness wasn't really appropriate in that setting, but the badmouthing might not have been just for her, it could very well have been a tactic to dissuade readers from supporting O'Brien's plan to remove women's prisons.
    -Casey Coulter
