Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Tarryn Priestly, the Feminist Movement and You

Hello, I’m Tarryn Priestly and I’ll be discussing and critiquing the feminist movement. I will mainly be looking at the most recent events of the movement and most importantly at what the movement has both achieved and what influence it has in today’s society. It is also important to note that with critiquing the feminist movement comes with pointing out the problems still lying within the movement or problems that have arisen within, but I will talk about how these issues can be dealt with or at least put in a light in which they will be able to be improved upon.

With feminism as my main topic, contributors to the movement will be mentioned, such as celebrity icons or leaders. The different types of feminism, such as womanism and Chicana feminism, will eventually be discussed as well. 

Below is a venn diagram about the different categories or 'places' in feminism from blogger battymamzelle

This Is What I Mean When I Say "White Feminism"

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