Thursday, September 25, 2014

Introduction: Sexual Violence Against Men by Elijah Zagorski

  I’m Elijah Zagorski, and I’m going to be researching sexual violence against men. This subject draws my attention because I feel it is often overlooked based on society’s idea that men rape women and the idea that men are masculine and therefore are strong because (translating to them being able to force rape not to happen to them).
    There are a couple of focuses that I would like to take here: on men who are (or are perceived to be) queer and those in places like prisons. I cannot begin to list how many times I've heard people state that rape jokes are not okay and then later will make or laugh at a rape joke in the prison setting, particularly about men being raped by other men.
    Here's an interesting article that I think brought up a lot of valid and important points that is working toward ending sexual violence, and it's very important and valid that they do have a section about for men. They integrate interesting statics of how  "1 in 6 reported sexual assaults is against a boy," and that "[a]bout 14% of reported rapes involve men or boys." They also mention that when addressing this topic, it's important to examine institutionalized settings (such as prisons, fraternities, the military, etc.).

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