Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Covergirl and Feminism

   Recently, Covergirl has been promoting a new movement called #GirlsCan. In this video, it shows how girls can code, having some girls talk about the excitement of coding and the fun they get out of it. It also digs deeper in what I find to be feminist empowerment, for in the beginning it says how 1.4 computer jobs will be created by 2020 and women will only fill 3% at the current rate. However, the video encourages more women to, as Mary in the video says, 'step up and take the challenge'.
   It really shows the feminist movement in work as this promotion is helping to fill the gender gap between men and women in this field of work. It's encouraging these girls to do things on their own and for themselves, changing the idea that they have to put up with what they're given and instead taught that they can do it instead.

-Tarryn Priestly


  1. This video is very effective at drawing attention to the gender gap in technological fields. I think that it's really great that the young women in the video encouraged coding as a skill for other young women to learn, and that they all seemed to be truly passionate about the topic. Personally, I know very little about technology and coding, but I think that in today's society, technological skills are becoming more and more necessary to be successful in careers. Therefore, I definitely see it as necessary for the gender gap to be minimized within technological fields.

    --Melissa Condon

  2. I feel like having the support of a larger, well-known company like Covergirl is really important for the feminist movement. It's important to break down the concept of telling anyone of any gender what they and cannot do because of their gender identity and the gender role that they are raised with. This video in particular does a great job drawing attention to the gap in industries that utilize coding and supports women learning the skill and becoming a part of the industry.
    -Elijah Zagorski

  3. I really liked this. It makes me feel empowered as a women. A lot of people are telling people that they can't do certain things that go against society's norms and the gender stereotypes that we have created. But here are young girls that are actively standing up against these ides. They are showing the world that you can do things that go against society's norms and the gender stereotypes that have been created to do something that you love.
    -Ali Marnon

  4. This reminds me of the "Always" commercial comparing people's reactions to phrases such as "run like a girl" or "fight like a girl."
    I think it shows impressionability as well as how people change through the years based on how society shapes them. It is important for young girls to keep the ideas they have themselves and not be demeaned by the things that other people tell them. Reclaiming femininity is an important step for young girls.
    ~Alex Duncan

  5. I really loved that video. A close friend of mine for the past few years has been talking about going into computer programming, but recently she started having doubts about it and was trying to think of something else she could do. She was so passionate about it before and I think that because of the fact that so little women are in the industry she started to have doubts, but I know that she is more than capable. I am definitely going to send her a link to thins video. Thanks for sharing!
    - Ashley Compton
