Wednesday, December 10, 2014

"Does Hip Hop Hate Women?"

Does hip hop hate women? Sometimes it sure does seem so with the constant degrading images and misogynistic messages about women, but there are other issues pervading the hip hop genre as well. There is usually, along with the degradation of women, is homophobia. This article titled "Does Hip Hop Hate Women?" talks about some of these issues and has several hip hop intellectuals weigh in on these subjects. Some issues that they talk about are why women are hesitant to associate themselves with feminists within hip hop and another issue presented is how rappers and hip hop artists are presenting beauty.They also give information on what we can do to make changes within our own communities and how we can change the way we see issues within hip hop. Go ahead and check out some of the videos and weigh in on what you think!

-Justina Farfan


  1. I do think that some steps have been made when it comes to overcoming the prevailing homophobia within the hip hop industry. When Frank Ocean came out as having been in love with another man in the past, he received quite a lot of support within the hip hop industry, notably from Beyonce and Jay Z.
    However, there are definitely still improvements that need to be made within the music industry when it comes to the representations of women, and the representations and acceptance of individuals who identify with the LGBT community.

    --Melissa Condon

  2. I think, especially with music, the interpretation of the words is different with everyone. How we understand certain language changes our perception of the song. So, with that thought in mind, I don't think hip hop in general specifically hates women or LGBT members. I think certain rappers and artists do, but the persona's they portray in songs are often very different than who they are. Their are many different things to consider, but I do wholly agree that these persona's shouldn't be given the light of day, and certainly shouldn't be glorified and honored.
    -Erin Lucas
